The Groupement des Amis du Rail
The G.A.R. (Groupement des Amis du Rail) is an association not realising benefits (asbl) that was founded on 16th march,1973 in Luxembourg. The head office is in Luxembourg.
The objectives of the G.A.R. are: - to promulgate to public and to our members the interest in railway transport - to find and propose solutions for problems on persons and goods transportation.
The G.A.R. activities The main activities are the organisation of railway journays, the visit of railway infrastructure, the conservation of luxemburgish historical stock as well as the publication ans sale of railway books. Tourism Together with CFL and SNCB the G.A.R. is since 35 years the main organizer of the "Luxembourg-Blankenberge-Express". This special train connects on some Sundays in July and August the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to Blankenberge at the belgian coast. The G.A.R. is the operator of the dining-car called "Rendez-Vous" (owned by CFL). This dining-cars equipped with a modern kitchen offers 64 seat-places, may run at 140km/hour and is allowed to run on most European railways. It may be hired for any kind of event. Historical railway stock The GAR was the owner of the STEAM LOCOMOTIVE 5621, identical with Type 52 of the former 'Deutsche Reichsbahn'. This steam locomotive (52 3504 built in 1943 by Krauss-Maffei) had been acquired end of the nineteen-seventies from ÖBB. Unfortunately the 5621 cannot run. A Beilhack trolley built in 1943 and purchased from CFL, is also owned by G.A.R. Due to a new engine this trolley is able to run. The most interesting stock is the DE DIETRICH railcar Z-105 built in 1949 and acquired in 1978 from CFL. The railcar, which was in duty at the CFL from 1949 onto 1978 is the unique survivor of this type of railcar. The 1962-built DECAUVILLE trailer RZ-1011 can be added to the railcar. The GAR has bought this trailer in 1995 from the SNCF, where it was in service as XR 8291. In 2002 the steam engine 5621 the railcar Z105 and the trailer RZ-1011 have been sold in to the Ministry of culture (department for conservation of historical installations). Finally the GAR is also the owner of some historical freight cars. These are mainly used to store spare parts. The technical team of the G.A.R. which generally meets on Saturday in Luxembourg raylway yard has also assisted in the restoration of the ex-CFL diesel locomotive 1604 owned by the Luxemburgish Government (Ministry of Culture). Railwy books and models The G.A.R. is the editor of some books about railway in Luxembourg ('Eisenbahnen in Luxemburg' & 'Schmalspurbahnen in Luxemburg' in german by the author Ed.Federmeyer). Beside this we offer a huge collection of own postcards, posters, pins and other products with motives of Luxemburgish railway. We also sell other international railway books, DVD's and videotapes. The G.A.R. has produced a series of HO-scale luxemburgish freight-cars by Klein ans some Wegmann cars by Lima
All activities are done by members of the association working voluntary. When you are interested und want to help our team, please contact us. We are pleased about everyone who is disposed to supports G.A.R.'s activities.